Hier findet ihr alle Informationen zum #GamesInBavaria Streaming vom 16. bis 18. August auf Twitch. Lernt die Streamer:innen und die Games Made in Bavaria kennen. Schaltet ein, wenn zur gamescom bayerische Games im Stream gezockt werden. Das Beste: Alle Games aus dem Stream könnt ihr danach auf der gamescom auch zocken.

#GamesInBavaria Streaming Zeitplan
Los geht es an drei Tagen vom 16. bis 18. August jeweils um 15:45 Uhr mit einer Begrüßung samt Trailershow zu den gezeigten Games. Es folgen pro Tag vier Streams à 75 Minuten mit bekannten bayerischen Streamer:innen und den Game Devs, die sich live im Stream das Feedback der Twitch-Communitys abholen und Fragen zu ihren Games beantworten. Zwischendrin sprechen wir kurz mit den Streamer:innen und freuen uns auf eure Fragen und Kommentare 🡥 im Chat auf Twitch bei Games/Bavaria.
Mittwoch, 16. August
Donnerstag, 17. August
Freitag, 18. August
Zelastion – Tavern Talk – Gentle Troll Entertainment
16:00 bis 17:15
Rhenya – Hauma – SenAm Games
16:00 bis 17:15
fnbuddy – The Murder Hotel – Wegenbartho Games
16:00 bis 17:15
Huebi – Passing By – Studio Windsocke
17:30 bis 18:45
Huebi – Charged! – ThreeDee
17:30 bis 18:45
Luiza Muffin – Fireside – Emergo Entertainment
17:30 bis 18:45
ArtemizPlayz – Ecognomix – Irox Games
19:00 bis 20:15
ArtemizPlayz – Shadow Gambit – Mimimi Games
19:00 bis 20:15
LootieLoo – Cyber TD – Clockwork Origins
19:00 bis 20:15
Gaius Julius Caesar – The Ebbing, A Coastal Tale – Active Fungus Studios
20:30 bis 21:45
Gaius Julius Caesar – Sengoku Dynasty – Toplitz Productions
20:30 bis 21:45
Sandianii – Birnchen and Friends: Minor Confrontations – Birnchen Studios
20:30 bis 21:45
#GamesInBavaria Streaming: eure Streamer:innen

🡥 Anja aka. Zelastion ist eine Indie Game Liebhaberin und begeisterte Spieletesterin mit einem riesen Lächeln – von manchen auch das Zebra auf Twitch genannt. “Auf dass meine Begeisterung abfärbt und das nächste Spiel euer Lieblingsspiel wird!”

🡥 HuebiTV – Tobias “Huebi” Hübenthal produziert seit 2015 beinahe täglich Content auf Youtube und Twitch. Neben einem starken Fokus auf Gaming, produziert er auch viele Videos direkt vor der Kamera zu verschiedenen Themen, oder veröffentlicht gelegentlich eigene Musik!

🡥 ArtemizPlayz – Positivität, Spaß, Interaktion: Diese drei Werte sind bei ArtemizPlayz oberste Priorität. Langeweile? Gibt es hier nicht! Von Strategie Titeln über Storygames zu Aufbau und Survival wird hier alles geboten was das Viewerherz begehrt. Und wem das noch nicht reicht, der kann sich auch auf gelegentliche Koch- oder Bogenschießstreams freuen. Alles natürlich immer mit einer Prise Chaos gewürzt! Herzlich Willkommen in Arti’s verrückter Welt!

🡥 Gaius Julius Caesar -Ave! Auf den Kanälen von Gaius Julius Caesar auf YouTube & Twitch findet ihr feinste Strategie und Historienkost. Ob Rundenbasiert- oder Echtzeit-, ob Aufbau- oder Kampfstrategie. Der Roleplayansatz, um euch unterhaltsame Geschichten zu liefern und die Organisation großer Multiplayer-Streamer Events runden das Ganze ab!

🡥 Rhenya – Mein Name ist Ari aka Rhenya, 26 Jahre, aus Oberfranken. Ich bin mit Videospielen groß geworden und habe somit schon unzählige Titel gespielt. Mein absolutes Lieblingsspiel ist Tomb Raider, da ich Lara Croft unglaublich stark und selbstbewusst finde. Bei meinen Streams spiele ich immer das, worauf ich gerade Lust habe oder quatsche mit meiner Community. Momentan zocke ich viele Online Mutliplayer Games wie CSGO, Fall Guys, Valorant oder Sea of Thieves. Gerne aber auch entspanntere Games, z.B. Stardew Valley, Anno 1800 oder Dinkum. Mein Ziel ist es, durch meine Streams gute Laune zu schaffen, sodass jeder den restlichen Tag mit einem Lächeln im Gesicht verbringen kann.

🡥 fnbuddy -Hallo, ich bin Laurenz („Buddy“) und produziere seit drei Jahren Content auf TikTok und YouTube und starte gerade auf Twitch. Ich erstelle viel Content rund um das Spiel Fortnite, aber auch andere Games lassen sich auf meinen Kanälen finden. Tests und Reviews über Technikgadgets, die perfekt für alle Gaming-Enthusiasten sind, vervollständigen meinen Content. Ich liebe die Interaktion mit der Community im Chat sowie im Spiel. Meine derzeitigen Lieblingsgames sind Fortnite, Fall Guys und Rainbow Six Siege. In ruhigen Momenten zocke ich aber auch gerne Pummel Party, Thief Simulator oder The Jackbox Party.

🡥 LuizaMuffin – Ich heiße Luisa Meinlschmidt, bin 23 Jahre alt und studiere Medienwissenschaften und Medienpraxis im Bachelor an der Uni Bayreuth. In meiner Freizeit engagiere ich mich ehrenamtlich als 2. Vorsitzende und Leiterin des Event-Bereichs im Verein E-Sport UBT e.V., dem ersten reinen E-Sport-Verein in Oberfranken. Dort streame ich auch regelmäßig verschiedene Spiele auf dem Twitch-Kanal des Vereins.

🡥 LootieLoo – Hi, ich bin LootieLoo aus dem schönem “Franggen” und schon seit 2015 auf Twitch unterwegs. Angefangen mit League of Legends bin ich aktuell auf Apex Legends hängen geblieben. Damit ich jedoch meinen Gaming Horizont und den meiner Viewer erweitern kann, habe ich neben dem Battle Royal auch viele andere Spiele auf dem Programm. Von Shootern bis Indie ist fast alles dabei. Mindestens drei Mal die Woche gibt es Spaß und Sweat.

🡥 Sandianii – Sandra “Sandianii” produziert seit einem Jahr Content auf Twitch, großteils ist sie im Horror Genre unterwegs, aber auch Multiplayer kommt nicht zu kurz.

#GamesInBavaria Streaming: eure Games Made in Bavaria
Ob Indie Arena Booth oder Home of Indies: Auch 2023 präsentieren sich wieder viele Games aus Bayern in der Indie Area auf der gamescom in Halle 10.2. In den Streams vor der gamescom lernt ihr die Spiele kennen, während sich die Developer live den Fragen aus den Twitch Communitys unserer Streamer:innen stellen. Freut euch auf bekannte und neue Games, auf Bugs und Glitches und auf unterhaltsame Streams. Scrollt weiter und erhaltet alle Informationen zu den zwölf Games aus Bayern, die 2023 beim #GamesInBavaria Streaming gezeigt werden.
Für den technischen Part des Streamings arbeiten wir wieder mit E-Sport UBT e.V. zusammen. Vielen Dank für die Unterstützung!

Tavern Talk (Gentle Troll Entertainment)
Tavern Talk is a 2D barkeeper talking simulator in a high fantasy setting. Catchy dialogues, drink mixing, and lot’s of PnP humor inspired by Coffee Talk, Monster Prom, and Dungeon & Dragons. Play the tavern owner, the most beloved NPC of every RPG ever made. Listen to stories of boasting glory and utter failure. Pick up rumors, gather quests, and assign them to the next best adventurer. Make sure they come back alive by mixing them the right potions. Uncover the truth about an old evil that threatens the land. Will you pull your strings and save the day? Wishlist here.
Gentle Troll Entertainment GmbH is a small indie studio founded in 2014. We are very experienced Unity developers with a Serious Games background. We have shipped more than 20 educational games of various genres that were developed for PC, web, and mobile in collaboration with high-profile industry clients. Now, we want to develop games for the entertainment market, starting with Tavern Talk which will be self-published.

Passing By – A Tailwind Journey (Studio Windsocke)
Passing By – A Tailwind Journey allows you to board your own balloon ship and explore a world of floating islands. You’ll meet fellow travellers and quirky islanders, solve immersive puzzles, and gather resources to continue your journey! Wishlist here.
Studio Windsocke is a young studio from Germany which was founded by four passionate game developers in August 2021. What started as a university project in 2018 has now become a small company with the goal to create meaningful games with a friendly look and a wholesome and whimsical atmosphere.

Ecognomix (Irox Games)
Ecognomix is a charming clay animation syled game where players manage an evil gnome-led corporation that destroys flying islands for resources. It blends city-building mechanics, roguelite progression and puzzle game thinking. Place your buildings, watch them work and travel from island to island before they collapse. Wishlist here.
Irox Games is a development studio in Garching near Munich. We focus on a sustainable approach to game development since 2020. To implement this, we develop so-called “branded games” in the B2B area, as well as our own projects in the B2C area. With this balance we want to enable our team to create great gaming experiences. We are currently developing our debut title EcoGnomix.

The Ebbing: A Coastal Tale (Active Fungus Studios)
The Ebbing: A Coastal Tale is a Third Person Detective RPG set on the Northern Coast of Germany in the year 1870. The First Transatlantic Telegraph Cable connects the old and the new world and will change the future of politics, church, and the ordinary people forever. When the telegraphist, operating the transatlantic communications station, is found dead, mysterious things start happening. Strange signals are received and eerie lights can be seen out on the ocean. It is up to you to investigate the case and prove your innocence. You have to lead intense dialogues, search for clues, connect you observations and make difficult decisions that alter the course of the story. Choose your friends & enemies wisely to prepare for a final confrontation against an entire community. Wishlist here.
Active Fungus develops computer games as experiences that entertain as well as immerse our players deeply in the subject matter and provide food for thought. Through computer games, we enable players to take on different perspectives and encourage them to experience and understand conflicts and problems from different angles.

Hauma – A Detective Noir Story (SenAm Games)
Hauma – A Detective Noir Story is a deduction visual novel set in Munich. Discover a conspiracy amongst the upper echelons of society alongside former detective Judith, while visiting real locations in a comic-inspired look.
Founded in 2018 by CEO Senad Hrnjadovic, SenAm Games is an independent game development studio based in Munich, Germany, with a network of diverse and experienced freelance collaborators spread across the globe. The studio was founded with the aim of delivering more than just a traditional video game experience in their releases, with social relevance, learning, and experiencing the real world key objectives for SenAm Games. This facet of the studio’s goals will be evidenced in their upcoming, and first studio release, Hauma.

Charged! (ThreeDee)
“Charged!” is an electrifying, competitive Class-Shooter and Racing mashup,in which you engage in team based skirmishes with up to 10 players. Take control of modified RC Ground- and Air- Vehicles with unique abilities and handling characteristics, and fight for objectives in a detailed real world environment, from a third person miniature perspective. The project is financially supported by FFF Bayern and the budgetary funds of the Free State of Bavaria.
ThreeDee is a Munich Based Developer Studio. ThreeDee develops interactive 3D applications for technologies of all kinds. Our experience ranges from virtual and augmented reality to classic 3D software for the desktop, mainly in the B2B sector. Having honed it’s skills since 2014, ThreeDee now aspires to become a fully-fledged Games Studio.

Shadow Gambit – The Cursed Crew (Mimimi Games)
Rejoice! Shadow Gambit – The Cursed Crew is our first self-published and third real-time tactics stealth strategy game. It is an original IP, completely owned by us, featuring cursed pirates as your crew. Brand new magical skills, a non-linear approach to missions, free character selection, a living ghost ship as your HUB: we are innovating a lot in our genre, while still staying true to the core that makes it so great. How it turns out is still to be seen when the game comes out in 2023, so stay tuned! Wishlist here.
Mimimi is an independent game studio based in Munich, Germany. We’ve started working together in 2008.

Sengoku Dynasty (Toplitz Productions)
Sengoku Dynasty (published by Toplitz Productions): In medieval Japan, ravaged by famine and war, you head to the legendary Peasant Kingdom to recreate a loving home for your daughter and secure the legacy of your family. Become a legendary figure in the tumultuous world of the warring-states era in Japan by following a path of a charismatic leader, skillful craftsman, famed warrior or a spiritual master.
Named after the mystic “Toplitz Lake” which is situated in a dense mountain forest high up in the Alps, Toplitz Productions was recently founded with the aim of developing and publishing computer and video games “with heart and soul”.

The Murder Hotel (Wegenbartho Games)
The Murder Hotel is an interactive Murder Mystery Adventure with a huge twist: A scissors wielding demon is the murderer and you have to blame one of the human guests, forging a plausible theory how they could have done it.
Wegenbartho Games is a small indie studio from Bavaria that focuses on folklore as part of the storytelling themes in their games.

Fireside (Emergo Entertainment)
Fireside is a wholesome and calm game about the breaks on a journey. Trade and talk at the campfire, rebuild your shrine with the energy you gathered and invite friends you made along the way to visit you at your home.
We are a games studio that believes that the technology and know-how from computer game development can be used for more than entertainment. With our know-how we develop not only computer games but also interactive visualizations, augmented reality applications and serious games.

CyberTD (Clockwork Origins)
CyberTD takes the classic tower defense experience and combines it with roguelite elements, creating a captivating mix.. With each level-up, you’ll unlock new upgrades and gain access to more options for customizing your defense according to your own unique style.
The indie studio Clockwork Origins currently employs three full-time gaming nerds and is based in Erlangen, Bavaria. Since the official founding of the company in 2018, the tower defense series Elemental War and the fun racer Tri6: Infinite have been released.

Birnchen & Friends: Minor Confrontations (Birnchen Studios)
“Minor Confrontations” is the first game out of the “Birnchen & Friends” Series. In this 3D comic-style RTS, the goal is like in a classic RTS to destroy the base of the enemies. For this, the player has access to a small amount of tank units that need to be produced in their specific buildings. Since the game is fruit-themed, the base is a fruit basket and the tanks use bananas, coconuts, pears and melons as bullets. As currency you have to invest your well-earned lollipops to produce all buildings and tanks.
Birnchen Interactive was founded in 2023, but the developer team is also known as Birnchen Studios, which is making computer games since 2016. We stand for a small, innovative, creative and highly motivated studio in the field of game development with headquarters in Brunnthal near Munich. Our team is optimally coordinated. Everyone has an important part to contribute and complements the team in their own way. Here you can contribute your own character and interests.